Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dead tree snakes and me

Today was a breakthrough for me folks. Having lived away from nature for so long, it had begun to scare me. Seriously. This is difficult for me to admit because such irrational fear does not bode well with the way in which my ego wants people to perceive me!
A morbid fear of spiders has always been with me, from a very young age but what's with the fear of cane toads? Reptiles? Big things that grow on trees and could potentially fall on my head? I don't know when all of this snuck up on me.

WELL... today, the grand plan of going to the gym fell through when Leo (bless his cotton socks) shat from asshole to breakfast all over his car seat whilst I was driving him to day care. This in itself was not the problem. It was the domino effect of issues that arose from The Shit that caused such grief for me this morning. To start with, I was on a treacherously dangerous road which offers no safe places to stop so although I knew about The Shit (the smell was a giveaway- phwoar!) I knew it would be 5 minutes until I could stop the car for the clean up.

Leo was beside himself with discomfort but it was the respective reactions of the older two that are worthy of mention:

Harriet: Eww muuuuum! What's that muh-SGUS-ting smellllll??
Seb: (Dry retch). Stop mum, there's a spew in my mouth.
Me: (trying to remain calm with no success). LISTEN kids, Leo has just done a sick poo. You're going to have to wait until I can find a safe place to pull over before I can clean it up. For now, block your....

Harriet and Seb in unison: (imagine a scene from The Exorcist in the back seat as two older children vomit all over THEIR seats just to keep me on my fucking toes). BLERRRK, MMBERRRT, BLEEEERK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found a safe place to stop the car. I took a deep breath (through my mouth), got out and methodically cleaned them all up as best I could. I then turned around and drove home for showers and clean clothes. So the gym was a right off and we were all two hours late for school/kindy/day care.

The POINT being (yes, I am getting there alright?) that I made a decision to go for a run this afternoon in Eudlo. Beautiful! Just breathtakingly divine. I ran 5 kilometres in blissful silence. I ran under the bunya nut tree (have you seen the size of those things? Kill you in a nanosecond, they would!). I ran past three water dragons, a sizeable goanna, a dead tree snake and many, many strange noises from the bushes. And was I scared? Not a cracker! I opened my eyes wide when I reached the rainforest and I felt at peace with nature. The scent was euphoric, the air was cool and moist. Honestly, I felt more alive than I have in the last month. I smiled goofily at the cows and horses (and piglet) as I ran by them and made a decision: I want to stay here.

Now, time to plan menu for tomorrow's dinner party!! Wishing you could all be here.

Mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xx

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