Friday, April 16, 2010

Amoxycillin, Domestic disputes and Cancer


For the past two days I have been dealing with an ear infection. Honestly, I have never known such discomfort. I woke to find blood on my pillow yesterday and a pain pulsating through my left ear drum. Long story short, went to doctor, doctor had never seen anything like it (ha!), got drugs. All good. Or is it? No, not really. The pain has subsided and in its place is nausea, fatigue and bitch-from-hellitis. I am hoping never to get me another ear infection ever again. Poor little Leo, I now understand what he endured for the first year of his life.
Which brings me to the Domestic Disputes section of my sermon. Woah- we sure had one tonight. I told my partner that I hated him in front of the kids. Not a proud moment. I will have some explaining to do in the morning. For now though, I am in the office fuming on my own. Could this kind of inner disharmony cause cancer?
My mother-in-law has had cancer for about 8 years now. I sometimes wonder if it's possible that her inner turmoil played a big role in this. Or is it exclusively genes that are responsible for cancer? Or a combination? Whatever the case, I really feel for her. She does not deserve this suffering, and I wish there were something I could do to save her from it. Even just to find a way of stopping her fatigue, which never leaves her alone. As long as she's holding on, the greater chance there is of someone out there finding a cure for the ghastly disease that has a firm grip on her body right now.
On a brighter note, there are two babies brewing in this family and my best mate from school is due to 'pop' over the next two weeks. Yay! I love babies!!
Apologies for the admittedly dull post but something had to be written, even if you caught me on a bad day.
