Monday, June 14, 2010


Hellooooooo out there..............

Apologies for the lull. Phew! I know that everyone out there believes that he is insanely busy but dudes.... SERIOUSLY.... I really HAVE been busy!! I won't bore you with the details but let's just say that seven full weeks of trying to tame pre-pubescent school kids, taking care of my own kids and home, becoming a partner in a small business, an exciting trip to Sydney during which I was priveleged enough to be able to sing at my friend's wedding, mourning and then accepting the breakdown of a relationship, coping with a friend's cancer diagnosis, and last but certainly not least, discovering something I really did not want to know about someone I love dearly- has taken its toll to say the least. Life eh? LIFE!!
Needless to say, it has been a battle to keep my cool over the past month or so and I have probably been a pain in the ass to have around the house (sorry James!). Today, however, Queen's birthday public holiday, all five of us set off looking like children of the forest (complete with dreadlocks, two day old food cemented on to the kids' faces, and an interesting assortment of attire) and experienced the breath taking beauty of the local Kondalila National Park. We walked right down to the bottom of the falls and the kids even stripped off to their knickers for a swim in the rock pool. The fact that they wussed out when they discovered just how bloody cold it was is beside the point. The point is that surrounding one's self with loved ones and nature is the best medicine for a tired spirit!
My dear parents are off exploring the delights of Europe for the next 6 weeks and although I will miss them badly, I wish them the most memorable trip and I know they will have a fabulous time.

Time for this snotty little pup to hit the hay.

Night. xx

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